The Language Learning Strategies Web-Blog

This "web-log" is devoted to the learning and teaching of language-learning strategies. While the strategies that are mentioned here could be applicable to ALL languages, the chief focus of this particular blog are strategies for learning English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan. Many students and colleagues have kindly volunteered their links, comments, and suggestions to creating this site. It is to these "language-friendlies" that this humble "blog" ("web" + "blog") is dedicated.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Second Language Learning Strategies Resources

Second Language Learning Strategies Resources: "Resources for Teachers
Research on Language Learning Strategies
CARLA's work on language learning strategies began in 1993 with a research project. The research study focused on the impact of strategies-based instruction on the skill of speaking in a foreign language. The study examined:
How explicit strategies-based foreign language instruction affects students' speaking proficiency;
Which strategies students report using, how frequently and how effectively they appear to use them;
Ways in which foreign language instructors can be trained to provide strategies-based instruction in their own classrooms.
The research component of this project resulted in the publication of two CARLA working papers:
Second Language Learning and Use Strategies: Clarifying the Issues
By Andrew D. Cohen
CARLA Working Paper Series #3 � November 1996 � 26 pp.
This paper considers five problematic issues that have arisen in dealing with language learning strategy terminology: the distinction between the term strategy and other terms, the issue of whether learning strategies need to be conscious in order to be referred to as strategies, criteria for classifying language learning and use strategies, a broadening of the concept of strategic competence, and the linking of learning strategies.
>> Now available online: DOWNLOAD (PDF)
The Impact of Strategies-Based Instruction on Speaking a Foreign Language
By Andrew D. Cohen, Susan J. Weaver, and Tao-Yuan Li
CARLA Working Paper Series #4 � November 1996 � 51 pp.
This research report outlines the methodology and results of a study done at the University of Minnesota on the benefits of providing second language learners with formal training in the application of strategies across skills, with an emphasis on speaking."


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