The Language Learning Strategies Web-Blog

This "web-log" is devoted to the learning and teaching of language-learning strategies. While the strategies that are mentioned here could be applicable to ALL languages, the chief focus of this particular blog are strategies for learning English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan. Many students and colleagues have kindly volunteered their links, comments, and suggestions to creating this site. It is to these "language-friendlies" that this humble "blog" ("web" + "blog") is dedicated.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

[Compliments of Ms. Mavis Chou of the NDHU English Department]
Language Learning Strategies (LLS) 語言學習策略
Learning strategies refer to those steps or operations used by learners to facilitate their acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information (Rubin, 1987).語言學習策略係指學習者用以輔助其訊息吸收、儲存及使用之步驟與操作。
“Specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques students use –often consciously—to improve their progress in apprehending, internalizing, and using the L2” (Oxford, 1994).學習者為促進其對第二語言的了解、內化和使用所採用之--通常有意識的--特定動作、行為、步驟或技巧。
主題:New Directions in ELT in China. (中國英語教學的新方向)
淺談語言學習策略與其應用Part III──語言學習策略教學活動範例
(a paper) 國中學生認知風格與學習方法對學習判斷英語子句效果之研究
A Study of the Effect of Cognitive Styles Learning Approaches on Identifying English Clause Tasks
The study used experimental research method. The subjects were 90 third grade students of junior high school. According to the scores of Embedded Figures Test students were divided into FI and FD. Then depending on the scores of the prior test on identifying English clauses task, FIs and FDs match with two group to accept Discovery and Rule learning approaches , and each one was composed of 10 students. The instruments was “ Embedded Figures Test” , “self-made that clauses test ,”and the information acquired was dealt with statistical testing through 2*2 ANOVA. The results indicated as followings. 1.An interactive effect of cognitive style and learning approaches were found through ANOVA. FIs using Discovery learning performed better than using Rule learning, and FDs using Rule learning performed better using Discovery learning. In sum, FIs appropriately use Discovery learning approach and FDs appropriately use Rule learning approach on identifying English clauses task.2.Cognitive style lives up significantly different level .FIs performed better than those of FDs.3. No overall difference were found between Discovery and Rule learning approach.Finally the study discussed the above results in more detail, and provided suggestions and references of research concerning teaching of English clauses .
英文怎麼學才好?Self-Study Strategies: 請看各家高論。你能歸納出原則嗎?─
英語學習方法中文書籍一般學習法則書籍教學用學習策略書理論研究 、我歸納出的十一點原則
外语学习焦虑理论探析A Probe Into Foreign Language Anxiety
Abstract: Foreign language anxiety is a very important affective factor influencing language learning performance. Based upon the study and investigation into Western theories on language learning anxiety, the present article discusses the effects of language anxiety on language learning, its pedagogical implications and offers some constructive strategies to reduce Chinese students’ language learning anxiety.
Using Presentation Software to Enhance Language Learning
In this paper we report on two uses of presentation software in our EFL courses: one as a tool for oral reporting and the other as a writing tool. In both cases students use the four language skills actively. They read source materials, discuss their ideas with their peers and teacher, write them and then share their writing with others. In both uses, students function as "doers and creators" and as such are motivated to invest time and energy into their tasks.
Differences in Reading Strategies Applied by Different Learners
AbstractRecently, more and more attention is drawn to the research into learning strategies. Reading strategies, as one component of learning strategies, also worth vast attention. In order to find out the reading strategies which drastically influence reading competence, the writer of this article made a survey on 193 freshmen majoring in various subjects except English in Shanghai Fudan University about their reading strategies and analyzed the result by T testing method. The result shows that successful English learners are obviously different from less successful ones in a few of reading strategies. This result probably suggests teachers to enhance student’s reading competence by encouraging and guiding students to apply appropriate reading strategies and provides clues for further researches into reading strategies.
Language Learning Strategies: An Overview for L2 Teachers
This article provides an overview of language learning strategies (LLS) for second and foreign language (L2/FL) teachers. To do so it outlines the background of LLS and LLS training, discusses a three step approach teachers may follow in using LLS in their classes, and summarises key reflections and questions for future research on this aspect of L2/FL education. It also lists helpful contacts and internet sites where readers may access up-to-date information on LLS teaching and research.

Thank you very much Mavis!


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